About Us
Innovative asset management software for Social Housing, AHBs and Government properties
Who we are
Data driven asset management software company
We are a company who have been developing housing software with the Irish local authority sector since 2018.
Embracing digital transformation
By using +AddJust, organisations are embracing digital transformation in the right manner.
The product has been built alongside Irish local authorities and our employees have extensive knowledge and experience in housing, compliance, building surveying, project management, and software development.
ISO27001 Certified
We only use the most modern software techniques and practices and we work with our clients to deliver tools that drive real change within your organisation.
Information Security is paramount to everything we do and we are ISO27001 certified.
Trusted by Local Authorities
In 2023, +AddJust was selected to provide Ireland's first ICT National Asset Management system for local authority housing, solidifying our status as the best digital asset management platform across Ireland.
Our solutions are used exclusively by Local Authorities in the Republic of Ireland for all social housing asset management, repairs and maintenance, tender management, contract management, stock condition surveys and rental inspections.
Our team